Monday - Friday 8 to 7

Saturday 9-4 Sunday - CLOSED


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School and Sport Physicals

Your child’s health is evaluated before he or she can participate in a sport. Sports physicals are normally required by schools and youth leagues before permitting a kid to join the team. Advanced Urgent Care and Primary Care administers these physical examinations and completes the necessary paperwork after ensuring that your child is healthy enough to play without risking injury.


What to expect during the visit


Sports physicals are similar to an annual exam. After you and your child check in with the friendly front desk team, a member checks your child’s height, weight, blood pressure, and blood oxygen saturation. Your doctor then evaluates all of this information along with any current medication that may be influencing their health status.

During a sports physical, your provider checks for any abnormalities or weaknesses that could become an issue under physical stress. Any concerns about performance issues such as asthma, allergies to medication are discussed before allowing your child to participate in their chosen sport(s).

The provider will listen to the heart and lungs, as well as the examination of the eyes, ears, nose, and throat. Your doctor assesses the reflexes and balance of the patient.

Bring the sports physical forms with you to your appointment. A questionnaire for parents, as well as a space for a parent’s signature, is usually included. Your provider will fill out their bits and sign off after you’ve completed your portion of the form.